Showing posts with label Negative prints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Negative prints. Show all posts

Prisoner James BRADY 1873-1874

James Brady was photographed at the Hobart Gaol by Thomas J. Nevin on two different occasions. Three extant images from those two sittings are held in three public collections, viz. the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, and the National Library of Australia. James Brady was a soldier of the 2/14 Regiment, 31 years old, when he arrived in Tasmania on board the troop ship Haversham in August 1867. He was branded with the letter “D” as a deserter and sentenced to 8 years for forgery and uttering in 1868.

Detail: print of James Brady from T. J. Nevin's negative 1874
From forty prints of 1870s Tasmania prisoners in three panels
Original prints of negatives by T. J. Nevin 1870s
Reprints by J. W. Beattie ca. 1915
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

The photograph taken in 1874
The photograph (above) is an unmounted sepia print from the negative of Thomas Nevin's sitting with James Brady taken on discharge in the week ending 21st January 1874. It is held at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery.  In 1916, John Watt Beattie salvaged this unmounted print from the Hobart Gaol records for display at his "Port Arthur Museum", located in Hobart, and for inclusion in  intercolonial exhibitions of convictaria associated with the fake convict hulk, Success, in Hobart and Sydney. Beattie pasted this print on one of three panels displaying forty prisoners in total.

The print of James Brady is bottom row, second from right.
Panel 1 of forty prints of 1870s Tasmania prisoners in three panels
Original prints of negatives by T. J. Nevin 1870s
Reprints by J. W. Beattie ca. 1915
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

Thomas Nevin also printed this photograph of prisoner James Brady as a carte-de-visite in a buff mount, now held at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The mounted cdv was held at the QVMAG until it was removed in 1983-4 for an exhibition at the Port Arthur prison heritage site, returned instead to the TMAG. Both formats - the unmounted print and the mounted cdv - were pasted to the prisoner's criminal record sheets over the course of his criminal career, held originally at the Hobart Gaol and in Photo Books at the Municipal Police Office, Hobart Town Hall which issued Thomas Nevin with this commission to provide police identification photographs from 1872.

Prisoner James BRADY
Photographer: Thomas J. Nevin
Taken at the Hobart Gaol, January 1874
TMAG Ref: Q15604

Verso of cdv: Prisoner James BRADY
Photographer: Thomas J. Nevin
Taken at the Hobart Gaol, January 1874
TMAG Ref: Q15604

The verso of this cdv shows evidence of removal from thick grey paper or board. Transcribed subsequently over the grey scraps with "James Brady per Haversham Taken at Port Arthur 1874" is incorrect information, written in 1916 after this cdv of Brady was exhibited by Beattie, using the terms "Types of Imperial Convicts", "Port Arthur" and the date "1874" to appeal to local and interstate tourists by association with Marcus Clarke's novel of 1874, For the Term of His Natural Life, which was filmed at the prison site at Port Arthur. Renamed as Carnarvon,  it was promoted as Tasmania's premier tourist destination. In short, the transcription of the verso of this prisoner mugshot, as with hundreds more from Beattie's estate acquired by the QVMAG on his death in 1930, is tourism propaganda which reflects neither the actual place and date of the photographic capture nor the prisoner's criminal history.

Aliases 1871-1873
When Thomas Nevin took this earlier photograph at the Hobart Gaol of a younger James Brady, 34 years old, with a full head of curly hair on Brady's petition for discharge to the Attorney-General in August 1873, his photographer's headrest was visible. James Brady's aliases were Edward James and James James. This prisoner was not sent to Port Arthur at any time in his criminal career. The Conduct Register records  (CON94/1/1  p44) show Port Arthur offences struck through because he was only ever incarcerated at the Hobart Gaol from where he lodged three petitions for discharge between 1871 and 1873 . This prisoner photograph by T. J. Nevin of James Brady is now held at the National Library of Australia.

This is an earlier photograph of James Brady, alias Edward James and James James, taken in August 1873 by Thomas J. Nevin at the Hobart Gaol.

NLA Catalogue Ref: nla.obj-142920868
Title James Brady, per Haversham, taken at Port Arthur, 1874 [picture]. NB: incorrect information.
1 photograph on carte-de-visite mount : albumen ; 9.4 x 5.6 cm. on mount 10.5 x 6.3 cm.
Inscription: "107 & 171 ; James Brady, per Haversham, taken at Port Arthur, 1874"--In ink on verso.

Police Records for James Brady
James Brady was a soldier of the 2/14 Regiment, 31 years old, when he arrived in Tasmania in August 1867 on board the Haversham from Adelaide, South Australia, where the 14th Regiment was stationed.
Brady, James
Convict No: 6647
Voyage Ship: Haversham
Arrival Date: 01 Jan 1868
Conduct Record:  CON37/1/10 p5765,  CON94/1/1  p44
Remarks: Soldier 2/14th Regiment. Tried Hobart July 1868\
Source: Archives Office Tasmania

James Brady record 1868-1873
His place of departure is not recorded. 
Brady lodged three petitions between 1871 and 1873 which were declined
TAHO Ref: CON94/1/1  p44

TAHO Ref: CON37/1/10 p5765

Within a year of arrival in Tasmania, James Brady was convicted of uttering a forged cheque on 7th July 1868, and sentenced to eight years at the Supreme Court, Hobart.

James Brady, Free to Colony [FC] , was convicted at the Supreme Court Hobart in the July 1868 sitting, sentenced to eight years for uttering a forged cheque. He was described as 34 years old,

James Brady had been discharged from sentence in July 1869. A warrant for his arrest with the alias James James was issued on 26 August 1870, charged with stealing one cotton rug and two blankets.

James Brady, alias Edward James and James James was arrested on 26 April 1871.

James Brady alias Edward James and James James was convicted of larceny at Oatlands in the week ending 29 April 1871. His sentence being longer than three months, he was incarcerated once again at the Hobart Gaol. He had given a false name, age and ship of arrival when convicted in Oatlands. The Hobart Gaol corrected his record per the police gazette notice when he was discharged in 1874.

Between 1871 and 1873, James Brady lodged petitions to the Executive Council and the Attorney-General (W. R. Giblin) for freedom, but all three requests were declined. Once Giblin's refusal was on record, Thomas Nevin was required to photograph this prisoner (among the many others with similar declined petitions) by  the A-G, W. R. Giblin who had issued the police photographer commission to Nevin in February 1872 after the visit to Hobart by the judiciary and senior officials of the colony of Victoria (former Premier O'Shanassy and A-G Spensley). Thomas Nevin took and printed this photograph at the Hobart Gaol in August 1873, and not at Port Arthur, because James Brady was never incarcerated there (item held at the NLA).

Detail: James Brady convict record Hobart Gaol 1868-1873 
Brady lodged three petitions between April 1871 and August 1873 which were declined
TAHO Ref: CON94/1/1  p44

Source: Tasmania Reports of Crime Information for Police, J. Barnard, Government Printer

When James Brady was discharged in late January 1874 with the residue of his sentence remitted, the police gazette (above, p. 16 January 1874) noted that that he was Free to the Colony (FC) and that he was tattooed with the letter "D" on his left breast: he was a deserter from the military, one of several prisoners bearing the deserter tattoo who were photographed by Thomas J. Nevin, including prisoner Denis Doherty, made famous by Anthony Trollope's visit to the Port Arthur prison in 1872.

Mark of a Deserter (Army Medical Services Museum), in Chapter 3 of Hilton, P J 2010 ,
"Branded D on the left side" : a study of former soldiers and marines transported to Van Diemen's Land: 1804-1854
PhD thesis, University of Tasmania:

Barnard, Simon Convict tattoos : marked men and women of Australia.
Melbourne, Vic. The Text Publishing Company, 2016.

Addenda 1: The Press Reports

T. J. Nevin's second photograph of James Brady was taken on discharge from the Hobart Gaol in the week ending 21st January, 1874. TMAG collection.

Private James Brady was stationed at Adelaide, South Australia, when the troop ship Haversham arrived there with a detachment of the 50th Regiment on August 9th, 1867 from the Māori conflict at Taranaki, New Zeland. War had broken out at Waitara in March 1860, fought by more than 3500 imperial troops from Australia. The second Taranaki War flared in 1863: -

A total of 5000 troops fought in the Second Taranaki War against about 1500 men, women and children. The style of warfare differed markedly from that of the 1860-61 conflict as the army systematically took possession of Māori land by driving off the inhabitants, adopting a "scorched earth" strategy of laying waste to the villages and cultivations of Māori, whether warlike or otherwise. As the troops advanced, the Government built an expanding line of redoubts, behind which settlers built homes and developed farms. The effect was a creeping confiscation of almost a million acres (4,000 km²) of land.

Source: Wikipedia - extract

Source: The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880) Wed 14 Aug 1867 Page 2 SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

The troop ship Haversham, about which some anxiety has been evinced, having been out from Taranaki [New Zealand], with a detachment of the 50th regiment on board, since the beginning of July, arrived last night.
On the 14th August, the Haversham sailed for Hobart, Tasmania with soldiers of the 14th Regiment who were stationed at Adelaide. Private James Brady was aboard.

Source: The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880) Wed 21 Aug 1867 Page 3 SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Adelaide, August 10.
The detachment of the 50th Regiment, which arrived in the Haversham, were disembarked at an early hour this morning, and reached Adelaide by train from the Port at 10 o'clock. The Haversham is under orders to convey the men of the 14th, at present stationed here, to Hobart Town.
The Haversham arrives at Hobart

Source: The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Sat 24 Aug 1867 Page 2 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE

THE Haversham troop transport barque, 489 tons, Captain James B. [Byron] Sherlock, from Adelaide the 14th inst., arrived on Thursday evening with two companies of H. M. 14th Regt., to join the troops already in garrison here. The detachment numbered 172 rank and file, 22 women and 52 children. The troops were under the command of Major Vivian, and there were also on board Captain Fairtlough, Mrs. Fairtlough, and servant, Assistant Surgeon Bennett, 3 children and servant, Ensign Churchward, and Ensign Barne. The troops were received on board the Twins steamer* yesterday shortly after 12 o'clock, and landed during the afternoon.
* The Twins steamer was the name used by locals for the SS Kangaroo which was built by Elizabeth Rachel Nevin's uncle, Captain Edward Goldsmith, in 1854.

Coals for sale from the Haversham
The Tasmanian Times (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1867 - 1870) Thu 29 Aug 1867 Page 1 Advertising

James Brady's crime - he couldn't spell
Private James Brady was in the 2nd detachment of the 14th Regiment to arrive in Hobart on board the Haversham. Soon after arrival, he deserted and was imprisoned, together with another deserter, and a third awaiting trial before a Garrison Court Martial. James Brady with Jones and Hagon, the two other prisoners, broke out of the Military Guard Room, and attempted to obtain cash from the publican of the Eagle Hawk Inn (North Hobart) by forging the signature of Major Vivian on a cheque.

Source: The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Wed 10 Jun 1868 Page 2 THE MERCURY.

Impudent Case of Forgery.-It will be seen by our police report that the three soldiers of the 14th Regiment, Brady, Jones, and Hagon,were committed for trial, for uttering a forged cheque, and obtaining money upon it from Mr. Jones, of the Eagle Hawk, New Town Road. The document purported to be signed by Major Vivian, but the major said it was not at all like his writing, and the perpetrator had not even spelt his (the major's) name correctly. The three prisoners had broken out of the Military Guard Room, one of them awaiting trial before a Garrison Court Martial. They are all said to be bad characters.and they did not make any defence. The picket went out in search of them, and went to the prosecutor's house when he related the fact of their having changed the cheque with him, and the sergeant, believing it to be a forgery, had them escorted to the barracks, and Major Vivian afterwards had them handed over to the civil power.

The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954)  Wed 10 Jun 1868  Page 3  LAW INTELLIGENCE.

Forgery by Soldiers.-James Brady, Wm. Jones, and Christopher Hagon, private soldiers of H.M. 2-14th Regiment, were again brought up charged with uttering a forged cheque for £4 17s. with intent to defraud.
Major Vivian proved that he knew nothing of the cheque produced. He had not kept an account at the Commercial Bank.
Thomas Henry Jones, of the Eagle Hawk, New Town Road, proved that on the evening of Wednesday last prisoners came to his house about six o'clock. Brady called for drink and tendered in payment a cheque purporting to be signed by Major Vivian on the Commercial Bank for £4 17s. He asked if witness would cash it ; witness asked who gave it him ; he said the Major had given it as part of his bounty money, he having enlisted again for seven years. Witness said, " Is that the Major's signature?" He replied, "Oh yes." Witness said he was not acquainted with his signature, and he did not like to cash cheques unless he were ; he asked the other two if they knew the signature and if they knew it was correct. They both said " yes." The prisoner Jones took the trouble to read over the cheque to him. Witness said he did not like to cash the cheque, in fact he had not got sufficient to cash it with. Brady then asked him to let him have part of it. Witness said he would let him have as much as £11 7s,, that would leave £3. He had made a purchase of socks, and other things down the street, and wanted to pay for them ; witness said he would let him have 50s which he consented to take, and to have the remainder next day when he cashed the cheque. They stopped some time after and had some drinks, when tho picket came and took them in charge. Witness told the sergeant Brady had cashed a cheque of the Major's, and on showing it to him he pronounced it a forgery. The Sergeant went outside and saw Brady put a paper into his mouth, he seized him, had him brought into the house aud searched, when 11s. in silver was found. Witness retained the cheque, and on the following morning went up to the barracks, and showed the cheque to the Major, who said it was a forgery, nothing like his signature, and his name  mis-spelt. Witness afterwards reported the matter to Detective Vickers, and subsequently handed the cheque to Detective Morley.
By Hagon : You were in the tap-room when the cheque was presented to me.
Sergeant Edward Johnson, 2-14th Regiment, proved that he knew the prisoners, and remembered going to the Eagle Hawk on the evening of the 3rd, in charge of the picket, when he saw them there. They had broken out of the guard-room that day. Witness took them in charge The prisoner Brady put a piece of paper in his mouth, which he thought was a £1 note ; he was unable to get it from him. On the way to the barracks under escort, Brady told witness ho had forged on Major Vivian for £7 and the ____  could not try him for it by court martial. The prisoner Brady had re-enlisted for seven years about February last.
Detective Morley produced the cheque, and deposed that on the 5th the three prisoners were handed over to his custody by the military authorities at the watch-house. The three men, who said nothing in defence, were then committed trial. This was all the business.

The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954)  Wed 10 Jun 1868  Page 3  LAW INTELLIGENCE.

James Brady remanded for sentence

James Brady and William Jones, two soldiers of H.M. 2-14th Regt, were charged with forgery and uttering on the 3rd June.
Thomas Henry Jones, a licensed victualler in Hobart Town, said the prisoners came to his house about six o'clock on the evening of the 3rd June. Brady tendered the cheque produced which he said was signed by the Major. Jones also said it was the Major's signature. Witness gave Brady 50s. and his wife handed the man the money : there was £1 l5s. in silver and a £1 note. .
On His Honor pointing out that this could not be so, witness said he thought his wife gave Brady 30s. in silver. After he had cashed the cheque the sergeant in charge of the picket came up and pronounced the cheque a forgery.
Both prisoners cross-examined tho witness at some length, but adduced nothing now or favourable to
their case.
His Honor (to witness) : You say in one part of your evidence that Brady gave you the cheque in the tap-room, and in another part that he gave it to you in front of the bar. How do you reconcile this statement ?
The witness said that if he had made the latter statement he had made a mistake.
Major Vivian proved that the cheque was a forgery. He thought the writing was that of Brady.
Edward Johnson, a sergeant of the 2-14th Regiment, stated that when he took charge of the prisoners at the Eagle Hawk Hotel he took 10s. 8d. from one of the prisoners, and had to get a piece of paper, which looked like a note, out of his mouth.
Brady : Was I drunk or sober when you took me ? Witness (addressing His Honor): He was apparently drunk.
Brady (to witness) : You'll address yourself to me, sir, when I ask a question. This is not a Court Martial.
His Honor, in summing up, said there were two counts, the first against Brady of forgery, and the second against both prisoners of uttering. He thought, however, it would greatly simplify matters if the jury considered the case entirely upon the second count. He then proceeded to review the evidence, remarking that that of the publican was very unsatisfactory. He did not mean to say that this was intentional on the part of this witness, but there certainly was a looseness about his testimony, which should cause the jury to look at it carefully before receiving it. The facts adduced against Brady appeared to be such that he could suggest no doubt in the minds of the jury as to that prisoner's guilt. But the case of Jones was far different. His Honor proceeded to point out the difficulty which existed in connecting Jones with the offence.
The jury then retired, and after a few minutes' deliberation, returned with a verdict of guilty against Brady on the second count ; Jones they found not guilty. Jones was therefore discharged, and Brady was remanded for sentence.
Source: The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Wed 8 Jul 1868 Page 2 LAW INTELLIGENCE.

Addenda 2: The Eagle Hawk Hotel
The licensed victualling house where James Brady was arrested by Edward Johnson, a sergeant of the 2-14th Regiment, was recorded in the newspaper report in July 1868 as "The Eaglehawk Hotel" in New Town Road, Hobart. By the 1930s another building on the site had become the Commercial Hotel, Elizabeth Street, North Hobart. The same building reverted to the original name - more or less - the "Eagle Hawk Inn" sometime in the late 20th century, present address 381 Elizabeth St; North Hobart, Tasmania 7000.

Item Number: PH30/1/3751
Description: Photograph - Funeral procession of A G Ogilvie in Elizabeth Street, North Hobart. Shows Commercial Hotel, Soundy's and the Liberty Theatre (Later State Theatre)
Start Date: 10 Jun 1939

Title:Photograph - Front view of the Commercial Hotel, corner of Federal and Elizabeth Streets, Hobart, 1940s?
Source:Archives Office of Tasmania

Eagle Hawk Inn Hotel North Hobart Tasmania 2009
Copyright Glenys Cruickshank at Flickr

Prisoner William KELLOW 1872

EXHIBITIONS and copies, 1915, 1938 and 1983
ORIGINAL PRINTS from negatives, T. J. Nevin 1870s

Original print of negative by T. J. Nevin 1870s
Reprised and collated by J. W. Beattie ca. 1915
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

The TMAG copy

Prisoner William KELLOW
Photographer: Thomas J. Nevin
Photographed on arraignment September 1872, rephotographed on release from the Hobart Gaol February 1875.
Originally held at the QVMAG, now held at the TMAG
TMAG Ref: Q15601

Verso: Prisoner William KELLOW
Photographer: Thomas J. Nevin
Photographed on arraignment September 1872, rephotographed on release from the Hobart Gaol February 1875
Originally held at the QVMAG, now held at the TMAG
TMAG Ref: Q15601

The QVMAG copies

[Above]: Black and white print reproduced at the QVMAG in 1985 from the original print below from Thomas Nevin's original negative, scratches removed and cleaned up.

QVMAG Collection
Filename: 1985_P_0138
Camera: Canon Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark II
ISO: 100 Exposure: 1/125 sec
Aperture: 14.0 Focal Length: 100mm

Detail from frame below
Prisoner William Kellow, top row second from left
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

One of three frames containing forty prints of 1870s Tasmania prisoners
Original prints of negatives by T. J. Nevin 1870s
Reprised and collated by J. W. Beattie ca. 1915
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

The originals of these forty (40) individual prints of Tasmanian prisoners photographed at the Hobart Gaol by the commissioned photographer Thomas J. Nevin in the 1870s, were intended to be pasted to the criminal record sheet of each prisoner. It was customary to photograph a person before conviction and after it, and again on discharge, by order of the Tasmanian Attorney-General from 1872 onwards, and since the men whom Nevin photographed were repeat and habitual offenders, the same glass negative was used again and again. The plates were handled repeatedly to produce duplicates for distribution to regional prisons and police stations, and for the many administrative copies required by the central Municipal Police Office at the Town Hall, the Supreme Court and the Hobart Gaol.

Photographs from the glass negatives were produced in various formats, first as uncut and unmounted prints as in these 40 prints, and again in carte-de-visite format within an oval mount, a practice which persisted in Tasmania through the 1870s, 1880s and into the 1890s. The same cdv was sometimes overlayed again in an oblong mount when the glass plate became too damaged for further use. All three photographic formats appear on the criminal record sheets of prisoners bound together as the Hobart Gaol record books dating from the late 1880s onwards, held at the Archives Office Tasmania. Some of the earlier gaol record books of the 1870s have survived, now mysteriously missing the prisoners’ photographs. One possible explanation is that convictaria collector John Watt Beattie and his assistant Edward Searle removed the photographs or even destroyed the sheets in the early 1900s while trying to save the photographs, the bulk of which ended up at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery from their acquisition in 1930 of John Watt Beattie’s estate.

This carte-de-visite of William Kellow, one of the extant hundreds of Tasmanian prisoners taken in the 1870s and printed in an oval mount, is held at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart. It was originally held in the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston, together with another three hundred or more 1870s mugshots taken at the Hobart Gaol by government contractor Thomas J. Nevin which were acquired by the QVMAG as part of the bequest from the estate of John Watt Beattie in the 1930s. When this cdv, along with 55 more now at the TMAG, were removed from Beattie's collection and taken down to Port Arthur for an exhibition in 1983, it was not returned to the QVMAG. It was deposited instead at the TMAG . The QVMAG list (2005) showed a total of 199 mugshots, but only 72 were physically held at the QVMAG when the list was devised. A total of 127 mugshots were missing by 2005. This carte-de-visite of William KELLOW is one of those listed as missing, number 143. See the list here.


Prisoner William Kellow, 43 years old and locally born, was sentenced at the Supreme Court Hobart on 10 September 1872 to 3 years, convicted of feloniously receiving. He was photographed at the Hobart Gaol by T. J. Nevin prior to relocation to the Port Arthur prison, and was returned to the Hobart Gaol in late 1873 where he was discharged in the week of 10th February 1875.

Source: Tasmania Reports of Crime Information for Police, J. Barnard Gov't printer


Thomas Nevin’s glass plates of prisoners 1870s

The forty individuals whose police photographs from the 1870s were lined up in this manner and pasted to dark green cardboard were all chosen by convictaria collector John Watt Beattie in 1915 because they were repeat offenders convicted of serious crimes who had been arraigned in Supreme Court sessions in the 1870s and incarcerated at the Hobart Gaol, Campbell St. Beattie chose them because he wanted to sell their images to tourists at his convictaria museum located in Murray St. Hobart, and include them in intercolonial exhibitions. He falsely touted these men as representative of the pre-1853 convict transportation era, hence the labelling on each of these panels, “Types of Imperial Convicts” and "Photographed at Port Arthur", when the reality was far less fascinating. By the 1870s, these men were common criminals or “prisoners”, not "convicts" and they were photographed on sentencing at the Supreme Court Hobart and Hobart Gaol, a judicial process funded and administered by the Colonial government, not the British government.

Forty prints of 1870s Tasmania prisoners in three panels
Original prints of negatives by T. J. Nevin 1870s
offered for sale by J. W. Beattie ca. 1916
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

These forty photographs in three frames were listed in Beattie's Port Arthur Museum Catalogue (1916), as item no. 69:

68. Glass Case containing -
  • 1. Skull of the Macquarie Harbour Cannibal, Alex Pearce (Marcus Clarke's "Gabbet.")
  • 2. Two Sketches made of Pearce after execution.
  • 3. The Axe Pearce Carried, and with which the murders were committed.
  • 4. Bolts and Lock Taken from the Cell where Pearce was confined, Old Gaol, Murray street.
  • 5. "Sling Shot" taken from Matthew Brady, the celebrated Tasmanian Bushranger, when captured by John Batman in 1820.
69. Three Frames containing 40 photographs taken at Port Arthur, showing types of Imperial Prisoners there.
The originals of these forty (40) individual prints of Tasmanian prisoners photographed at the Hobart Gaol by the commissioned photographer Thomas J. Nevin in the 1870s, were intended to be pasted to the criminal record sheet of each prisoner. It was customary to photograph a person before conviction and after it, and again on discharge, by order of the Tasmanian Attorney-General from 1872 onwards, and since the men whom Nevin photographed were repeat and habitual offenders, the same glass negative was used again and again. The plates were handled repeatedly to produce duplicates for distribution to regional prisons and police stations, and for the many administrative copies required by the central Municipal Police Office at the Town Hall, the Supreme Court and the Hobart Gaol.

Photographs from the glass negatives were produced in various formats, first as uncut and unmounted prints as in these 40 prints, and again in carte-de-visite format within an oval mount, a practice which persisted in Tasmania through the 1870s, 1880s and into the1890s. The same cdv was sometimes overlayed again in an oblong mount when the glass plate became too damaged for further use. All three photographic formats appear on the criminal record sheets of prisoners bound together as the Hobart Gaol record books dating from the late 1880s onwards, held at the Archives Office Tasmania. Some of the earlier gaol record books of the 1870s have survived, now mysteriously missing the prisoners' photographs. One possible explanation is that convictaria collector John Watt Beattie and his assistant Edward Searle removed the photographs or even destroyed the sheets in the early 1900s while trying to save the photographs, the bulk of which ended up at the QueenVictoria Museum and Art Gallery from their acquisition in 1930 of John Watt Beattie's estate.

The glass plates themselves seem to have been disappeared altogether. They may have been shipped to Sydney, NSW, in March 1915 for an exhibition held at the Royal Hotel, Sydney to be displayed - reprinted and even offered for sale - as Port Arthur relics, alongside relics and documents associated with the convict hulk, Success. This newspaper report of the exhibition clearly states that the exhibitors - and this would have included John Watt Beattie as the Tasmanian contributor - collated original parchment records with duplicates, and also photographed original documents when duplicates were not available. Amongst the one ton of Port Arthur relics were dozens of original 1870s mugshots taken by Nevin, still attached to the prisoner's rap sheet; many more were removed for re-photographing in various formats as Beattie prepared for this exhibition. The association of Marcus Clarke's notes and novel For the Term of His Natural Life (1874) with these photographic records for the exhibitors was de rigeur by 1915.

There is at present at the Royal Hotel, Sydney, an interesting collection of relics of early convict days. It has been brought over here by Mr. Fred McNiel, a member of a very old West Maitland family. Those relics are not exactly heirlooms, though they were handed to the family by a gentleman who had much to do with showing the world the social conditions of Australia 70 or 80 years ago. Mr. McNiel's uncle was Mr. John McNiel, who was associated with the infamous hulk Success when it was turned into a floating exhibition. It will be remembered that on the old convict ship many of the most notorious men who left England for England's good were caged like wild animals in a menagerie, and treated with a greater degree of severity by men who were more inhuman than the creatures they were called upon to guard. After a checkered career in Australia the hulk was taken to London and anchored in the Thames, when many people got their first ideas of Australian history from a visit to it. From there it was taken to America, and sank in New York Harbor.
Mr. John McNiel foresaw what would be the ultimate end of the old craft and its historical relics, so he gathered together all the duplicate copies of documents in the collection, and what were not duplicated he had photographed. He left this secondary collection with his nephew, together with a great mass of material relating to those early days which were the first links in our chain of history.
Included in this collection are innumerable instruments of discipline used in the penal establishment at Port Arthur, Tasmania, now a crumbling mass of ruins. These relics weigh almost a ton. Less awful in their construction than those of medieval ages and the days of the Inquisition, they are nevertheless evidence of the barbarism which existed a hundred years ago. Not the least interesting items in the collection are a number of absolutely, original parchments, age-stained, convict transportation notes, signed by the officers in charge of the ships. They were originally tied with blue tape-a material which is never used now either on legal or Government documents. It is interesting to read these documents and to note the triviality of the offences for which men and women were transported to penal servitude. There is one which tells of a man who got 14 years for poaching a rabbit! There is another which shows that an unfortunate housemaid was sent out for seven years for picking up a sovereign and claiming that finding was keeping. These documents were supplemented by others on the arrival of the ship at Van Diemen's Land....
... Marcus Clarke's book, "The Term of His Natural Life," originally appeared in serial form in the "Australian Journal" in 1870. The complete story in a bound volume is in this collection, and readers will find much to interest themselves in it, for it contains a mass of material which does not appear in the book. Some of the notes and many of the chapters do not attempt to conceal the characters of the story. In this connection it is interesting to point to relics of Martin Cash, who served long periods of time in Port Arthur and at Norfolk Island. The adventures of this man without doubt gave the material to Marcus Clarke for the chief character in his story. Cash died in 1877, a highly respected member of a community among which he lived the last years of his life as an orchardist ...etc etc
Source: CONVICT RELICS. (1915, March 13). Preston Leader (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), p. 5. Retrieved August 5, 2015, from

Title [Coulston & Co., Toose Optician, Royal Hotel, Dymocks Book Arcade, George Street, Sydney, ca. 1885-1895] / H. King
Creator King, Henry, 1855-1923
Call Number SPF / 187
Digital Order No. a089187
State Library of NSW.

The Glass Negative
One example of excessive damage to the original glass plate is evident in this print taken from the negative of Nevin's only sitting with prisoner Peter Killeenin the week preceding the 20th January, 1875, when Killeen was discharged from the Hobart Gaol. He was given a life sentence for assault and robbery in 1856, and when discharged in 1875 with a ticket-of-leave, he was 64 yrs old. He subsequently re-offended, was sentenced to a further 6 weeks and discharged again on 29 September 1875. Peter Killeen offended again within six months of discharge. He was given a sentence of seven (7) years for larceny at the Supreme Court Hobart on 8th March, 1876, sent to the Port Arthur prison, arriving there on 6th April, 1876, and transferred back to the Hobart Gaol on 17th April, 1877. Peter Killeen died from senile decay, aged 76 yrs, as a Prisoner of the Crown at the Hobart Gaol on 27th June, 1889. See originals of these records here.

The only image, whether extant as duplicates of the carte-de-visite or negative prints surviving from Peter Killeen's criminal sentences is the one taken by Thomas Nevin at his single sitting with the prisoner in January 1875. The scratched condition of the glass plate by the time of Killeen's death in 1889 at the Hobart Gaol is evidence of repeated use, the print showing even more wear and tear than the other 39 prints used by Beattie for the line-up of 40 on his three panels created in 1915.

Original print from the negative taken by T. J. Nevin 1870s
Offered for sale by J. W. Beattie ca. 1916
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

When amateur photo-historian Chris Long, on a visit to the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in 1985, re-photographed Nevin's original of Killeen, along with dozens more as black and white prints for reasons best known to himself since they serve no purpose (using a Canon EOS-1D Mark II), he eliminated most of the scratches and tears, but otherwise retained the numbering of the original. The mirror image on right shows the number "321", not "221" which has been transcribed onto the recto and verso of the NLA copy, and the verso of the QVMAG copy. Whatever the significance of the numbering or whenever it was scratched onto the plate/print, the fact remains that these prints and cdv's were handled extensively during the prisoner's lifetime career of crime up until he took his final breath aged 76 at the Hobart Gaol in 1889, when they were numbered for use in the daily administration of police and prison files. They were again handled extensively a few decades later as their use was elevated from vernacular police mugshot to tourist souvenir in the early 20th century, acquiring in the process a catalogue number on the cdv and the wording on the cdv versos, "Taken at Port Arthur 1874" to entice interstate visitors to the old prison site on the Tasman Peninsula.

B & W print of T. J. Nevin's negative, 1875, of Peter Killeen, original and mirror with "321" visible.
Reproduced at the QVMAG in the 1990s
QVMAG Ref: 1985_P_0174

The carte-de-visite
The final print produced by Thomas Nevin from his negative for prison and central police registry records was in the format of a carte-de-visite in an oval mount, typical of his commercial studio practice of the 1870s. This cdv duplicate of Killeen is held at the National Library of Australia. It was donated from government estrays as part of the Gunson collection in 1964, already bearing the number "221". Another carte-de-visite of the one and only photograph taken by Thomas Nevin in 1875 of Peter Killeen is numbered "180" and held at the QVMAG, acquired through Beattie's estate on his death in 1930. More mugshots of Killeen may appear with further delving into private collections and public archives because of his many convictions

NLA Catalogue
Peter Killern [sic], per M.A. Watson, taken at Port Arthur, 1874
Part of collection: Convict portraits, Port Arthur, 1874.
Gunson Collection file 203/7/54.
Title from inscription on reverse.
Inscription: title and "221"--In ink on reverse.

Another duplicate from Nevin's original is held at the Queen Victoria Museum ad Art Gallery, bearing the number "180" on recto, but "221" on verso.

Beattie and Searle's three panels 1915
We have not identified these prisoners by name in this post, but included on this site are their names, their police records and their mugshots held in public collections.

Forty prints of Tasmania prisoners from negatives by T. J. Nevin 1870s
Offered for by J. W. Beattie ca. 1916
QVMAG Collection: Ref : 1983_p_0163-0176

Photos courtesy of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery 2015.
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