George Willis arrived at Hobart, VDL, from the Cape of Good Hope on the Neptune 2, departing 21 February 1850. He was committed to the Hobart Gaol and convicted in the Supreme Court at Hobart on 10th September 1872, 48 years old, sentenced to six years for larceny and sent to the Port Arthur prison. He was sent back to the Hobart Gaol 12 months later in October 1873 where he was photographed by T.J. Nevin on incarceration. Known to the police as George Willis, he was also known as George Metcalfe when transported in 1850, and George Thompson when he was imprisoned for 6 years in 1864 for burglary.
George Willis aka George Metcalfe was among the 109 prisoners returned to the Hobart Gaol from the Port Arthur prison at the request of Parliament, all of whom were photographed by Thomas J. Nevin from October 1873 through to 1874, and subsequently at the Municipal Police Office, Hobart Town Hall, on the numerous occasions of these recalcitrant prisoners' further arrests, convictions, and discharges. At least two copies were extant in the 1900s - numbered 236 and 237 on the verso of this cdv - from the original negative taken by government contractor Thomas J. Nevin at the one and only sitting with this prisoner at the Hobart Gaol in 1873.

National Library of Australia Collection
NLA Identifier: nla.pic-vn5020355
George Willis, transported to VDL (Tasmania) on the Neptune 2
Photographed by T. J. Nevin for the Municipal Police Office and Hobart Gaol 1873-4.
Photos taken at the National Library of Australia, 7th Feb 2015
Photos copyright © KLW NFC 2015 ARR
The verso of this cdv and another 300 or so was incorrectly inscribed with the phrase "Taken at Port Arthur 1874" by collector John Watt Beattie and assistants in the 1900s for display and sale to tourists at his "Port Arthur Museum" located at 51 Murray Street, Hobart.

Verso: National Library of Australia Collection (incorrect information)
NLA Identifier: nla.pic-vn5020355
George Willis, transported to VDL (Tasmania) on the Neptune 2
Photographed by T. J. Nevin for the Municipal Police Office and Hobart Gaol 1873-4.
Photos taken at the National Library of Australia, 7th Feb 2015
Photos copyright © KLW NFC 2015 ARR
In 1873, 156 prisoners were removed from the Port Arthur prison to the central city Hobart Gaol, a process begun in 1868, and completed in 1878, the year of the official closure of Port Arthur
Source: PP 48/1878 Archives Office of Tasmania.
George Willis or Metcalf was again named in this list of prisoners received at the Hobart Gaol, discharged as one of the transferees from Port Arthur to Hobart in 1876, all of whom were photographed by Thomas J. Nevin on being received. The mugshots of just two prisoners in this list - Robert Blakey and Isaac Henshaw - are not extant or indeed, have yet to be identified - in state and national public collections of the TMAG, the QVMAG, the NLA, and the SLNSW.
Source: Gaol for Males, Campbell-Street, Hobart Town: report for 1875 (Legislative Council)
Police Records 1872-1880
George Willis's major repeat offence was larceny, with shorter sentences for absconding, being on premises unlawfully, and being idle and disorderly.
1872: George Willis was committed for one month at the Supreme Court Hobart awaiting trial on 3 August 1872.
1872: George Willis was convicted at the Supreme Court Hobart on 10 September 1872, sentenced to 5 years for larceny.
1876: George Willis, alias Metcalfe was discharged on 13 September 1876
1877: George Willis was discharged the week ending 18 April 1877 from a six month sentence for larceny on 23 October 1876.
1877: George Willis, baker, of Longford, was convicted and sentenced to 2 years in the week ending 5 May 1877.
1878: George Willis was arrested on 18 December 1878 for absconding from Launceston while under sentence of 2 years for larceny.
On arrest, he was sent to the New Town Charitable Institute where he was admitted and discharged on these dates under the George Metcalfe: 07 Oct 1879 to 09 Dec 1879, 10 Dec 1883 to 03 Feb 1884, 19 Sep 1885 to 04 Nov 1885, 15 Nov 1886 to 06 Jan 1887, 15 Jun 1887 to 11 Oct 1887, 24 Jan 1888 to 14 Mar 1888.
On the 18th instant, from the Invalid Depot, Launceston, George Willis, per Neptune 2, undergoing a sentence of 2 years for larceny, 50 years of age, 5 feet 5½ inches high, fresh complexion, large head, hair turning grey, oval visage, high forehead, brown eyebrows, hazel eyes, small nose and mouth, long chin, native of Yorkshire, England; mermaid on left arm, two pipes glass and pot on same arm.
Source: Tasmanian Police Gazettes, published by the Government Printer as Tasmania Reports of Crime 1872-1880.

National Library of Australia
NLA Identifier: nla.pic-vn5020355
George Willis, transported to VDL (Tasmania) on the Neptune 2
Photographed by T. J. Nevin for the Municipal Police Office and Hobart Gaol 1873-4.
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