National Library Catalogue (incorrect information)
nla.pic-an24612470 PIC P1029/69a LOC Album 935
Robert West, per Gilmore, taken at Port Arthur, 1874 [picture] 1874.
1 photograph on carte-de-visite mount : albumen ; 9.3 x 5.6 cm.
A paper copy is held at the Archives Office of Tasmania:

Archives Office of Tasmania:
Robert West, convict transported per Gilmore
Photograph taken at Port Arthur by Thomas Nevin.

Robert West, transported on the Gilmore 1 was tried at the Supreme Court Hobart on 13 September 1870 for forgery and sentenced to 7 years. He was 67 yrs old, and just over 5 feet 1 inch tall. He was photographed by T. J. Nevin on discharge from the Hobart Gaol with a ticket of leave on 18 December 1875.
The Governor in Council approves of the Prisoner named hereunder being discharged on a Ticket-of-Leave : -
Robert West, per Gilmore 1.
Source: Tasmania Reports of Crime for Police (weekly police gazette), J. Barnard, gov't printer.